My Shoulders Are My Own
By: Rain
Sad really how something so trivial can push someone over the edge. I’m looking down it right now.And it looks more appealing than where I am standing… way more.
I’m tired of it all. All of it.
I’m tired of explaining it over and over and over. I’m tired of being the only one truly working to keep this all going. The one walking upright, and on her own feet. And you know…. Down there, off the edge… looks like all those people are standing stronger and straighter than I am, with out the added weight to their shoulders. They can finally live truth. I want that.
I’m tired of dragging him along, he’s too god damn heavy. Wish for once he had his own two feet. Or use them. Wish for once, I could walk on my own with out looking back to make sure he’s coming, following me along in the path I’ve cut out.
I don’t want to point the way anymore. I am tired. Wish for once, he’d walk beside me in this… just beside me… and do it all on his own, while I get to stroll along and learn.
But, you know what I get when I step away and refuse to carry him? His screams that I need to pick him back up, help show him the way again… “I can’t do it alone, you already know how, so do it for me!!! I won't find my way and it will be your fault!!”
He never sees that he’s crushing me, he doesn’t care.
He doesn’t see that I’m at the cliff, looking back and forth, trying to decide what to do, where to go.. over or back. He’s too busy screaming from the ground. He doesn’t see, and he doesn’t care. He can’t, simply because he won’t.
If only he could just stand up, use his feet, walk over and take my hand… Walk next to me through this… the decision would be easy. I would go hand in hand on this journey and not even look back at the cliff.
I would embrace the fight again. Embrace him. But he doesn’t stand on his own, and I’m afraid he never will. So I stand here, looking back and forth. Back and forth… At him and the cliff…But, no matter which direction I chose to take, one thing is certain from here on out…
My shoulders are my own and I will no longer carry him. He’s on his own. I hope to not hear his screams for very long.
Friday, April 27, 2007
By a Recovering Pornography Addict: D-day
Hi, I’m Herb. I’m a recovering pornography addict and compulsive masturbator.
I have read hundreds of posts by the partners of porn addicts talking about D-day. I take that to be the day that the awareness of the addiction and the extent of involvement in pornography became a reality. D-day is always a day of extreme pain. I have understood that D-day may not be a single event but a series of revelations, each more painful and revealing.
Addicts talk about bottoming out. That’s what I want to talk about. My personal D-day if you will.
A number of years ago I met my wife after work to shop and she had a few more errands to run so we parted and I headed home. I made a beeline for a small town north of us to return a porn video I had rented. My hope was to get home before her so she wouldn’t wonder where I had been. I dropped off the video and got home, relieved that she wasn’t there so I wouldn’t have to lie. Some amount of time passed and the phone rang.
When I answered she said; “I don’t want you to panic but I’m at the hospital in the emergency room.” She had t-boned a Lincoln Continental at highway speeds. She was, fortunately, not badly injured but the car was totaled.
My heart almost exploded in my chest. I said: “I’ll be right there” and proceeded to break every traffic law written to get to the hospital; the whole way praying that God wasn’t going to hurt her because of me. I got to the hospital and she was all hooked up to IV’s and monitors but looked ok, a little ashen.
Do you know what she said when I got there? “Where were you, I’ve been calling for over an hour?” The look in her eyes, the tone of loneliness and abandonment was like white hot iron. I wish I could have just dropped dead on the spot. The SHAME washed over me in torrents. Is that understandable at all? I wasn’t there for her because of a porn video—How insane is that?
This was my D-day. The day the shame and realization of the depth of my addiction came home to me. I had had suicidal thoughts before but I really wanted to die after that. I was worthless and evil and completely beyond redemption. It hurt.
I started active recovery that day. I established my own boundaries. I knew I was addicted, I think I always had. I resolved never to bring a porn vid or mag ever again into my home. I know, you’re saying great but you’re still protecting your habit. That is true. But I had to start somewhere. I had to de-escalate somehow.
It took me years to get past that. I did well for a long time then got a new career with hi-speed Internet and one (go ahead and laugh) inadvertent exposure to on-line porn image and BLAM, I was active in addiction again. The shame and feelings of worthlessness returned as if they had never been gone. They provided a rich environment for the addictive cycle to continue to spin.
That is the short story of my D-day. It took too long and too much pain to get any meaningful sobriety. It took confession and counseling at church, it took discussion with me wife (and that is like puking up the shame all at once) and it took work and reading and learning about addiction. It took a trusted friend to be able to open up with.
Pornography almost killed me and it is destroying lives and soul everyday. Sometimes it’s hard to own the past we have created but we need to take ownership of today and become sober. We need to look forward to tomorrow with hope and not the fear addiction breeds. We need to save our lives, no one else can do it for us.
Hi, I’m Herb. I’m a recovering pornography addict and compulsive masturbator.
I have read hundreds of posts by the partners of porn addicts talking about D-day. I take that to be the day that the awareness of the addiction and the extent of involvement in pornography became a reality. D-day is always a day of extreme pain. I have understood that D-day may not be a single event but a series of revelations, each more painful and revealing.
Addicts talk about bottoming out. That’s what I want to talk about. My personal D-day if you will.
A number of years ago I met my wife after work to shop and she had a few more errands to run so we parted and I headed home. I made a beeline for a small town north of us to return a porn video I had rented. My hope was to get home before her so she wouldn’t wonder where I had been. I dropped off the video and got home, relieved that she wasn’t there so I wouldn’t have to lie. Some amount of time passed and the phone rang.
When I answered she said; “I don’t want you to panic but I’m at the hospital in the emergency room.” She had t-boned a Lincoln Continental at highway speeds. She was, fortunately, not badly injured but the car was totaled.
My heart almost exploded in my chest. I said: “I’ll be right there” and proceeded to break every traffic law written to get to the hospital; the whole way praying that God wasn’t going to hurt her because of me. I got to the hospital and she was all hooked up to IV’s and monitors but looked ok, a little ashen.
Do you know what she said when I got there? “Where were you, I’ve been calling for over an hour?” The look in her eyes, the tone of loneliness and abandonment was like white hot iron. I wish I could have just dropped dead on the spot. The SHAME washed over me in torrents. Is that understandable at all? I wasn’t there for her because of a porn video—How insane is that?
This was my D-day. The day the shame and realization of the depth of my addiction came home to me. I had had suicidal thoughts before but I really wanted to die after that. I was worthless and evil and completely beyond redemption. It hurt.
I started active recovery that day. I established my own boundaries. I knew I was addicted, I think I always had. I resolved never to bring a porn vid or mag ever again into my home. I know, you’re saying great but you’re still protecting your habit. That is true. But I had to start somewhere. I had to de-escalate somehow.
It took me years to get past that. I did well for a long time then got a new career with hi-speed Internet and one (go ahead and laugh) inadvertent exposure to on-line porn image and BLAM, I was active in addiction again. The shame and feelings of worthlessness returned as if they had never been gone. They provided a rich environment for the addictive cycle to continue to spin.
That is the short story of my D-day. It took too long and too much pain to get any meaningful sobriety. It took confession and counseling at church, it took discussion with me wife (and that is like puking up the shame all at once) and it took work and reading and learning about addiction. It took a trusted friend to be able to open up with.
Pornography almost killed me and it is destroying lives and soul everyday. Sometimes it’s hard to own the past we have created but we need to take ownership of today and become sober. We need to look forward to tomorrow with hope and not the fear addiction breeds. We need to save our lives, no one else can do it for us.
Friday, April 20, 2007
Awards Dinner Honors Anti Porn Efforts
May 8 Awards Dinner honors anti-pornography efforts
San Francisco Archbishop George H. Niederauer will give dinner's keynote address
by Barbara Stinson LeeIntermountain Catholic
SALT LAKE CITY — If the face of the Hon. John Harmer, a former California state senator and lieutenant governor, appears worn and tired it’s because he is fighting a 40-year battle with images he doesn’t like to look at and words he hates to read. Harmer, the founder and chairman of the Lighted Candle Society, now in its sixth year, is leading a charge against pornography, whether it is found in magazines and books, movies and television, or popping up into our homes uninvited via the internet.
Harmer doesn’t fight this battle alone. On May 8 at the annual Guardian of the Light Awards Dinner at Little America in Salt Lake City, Harmer and the Lighted Candle Society will honor Michael Reagan and Pamela Atkinson for their efforts. San Francisco Archbishop George H. Niederauer, former president of the Utah Coalition Against Pornography, will give the keynote address at the dinner.
Reagan, the adopted son of the late President Ronald Reagan and his first wife, Jane Wyman, is the host of the conservative radio talk show, “The Michael Reagan Show,” is syndicated through Radio America. He will be honored for his anti-porn efforts on the national level. Atkinson, a local activist who took over the reigns of the Utah Coalition Against Pornography from Bishop
George Niederauer after he was named archbishop of San Francisco, will be recognized for her anti-porn stand on the local level.
In an interview with the Intermountain Catholic, Harmer said it is through the efforts of people like Reagan and Atkinson that the Lighted Candle Society is ready to achieve a much broader base.
“When I created the Society, I was aware of many similar organizations doing the same work. A lot of our money has gone to those organizations. I wanted to fill a void.”
Harmer has found that void – it is research and the training of law enforcement and prosecutors to effectively fight pornography in the courts on behalf of individuals who have suffered because of the use of pornography. “It is much like the court battles that have tackled tobacco marketing,” he said
In a new book Harmer co-wrote with Bountiful Researcher James B. Smith, “The Sex Industrial Complex: Americas Secret Combination, Pornographic Culture, Addiction and the Human Brain,” Harmer takes on corporate entities and the powerful movie industry “that are profiting from the production, distribution, and financing of pornography. They support each other and use presumably independent entities such as Planned Parenthood and the ACLU (The American Civil Liberties Union) to protect themselves.”
“The Sex Industrial Complex,” Harmer’s editor notes, “documents the rise and cultural saturation of pornographic propaganda and ideology throughout the 20th century. From the ACLU to MTV and motion pictures; Harmer lays out the history, social implications, and societal impact of a worldwide pornographic culture.”
Harmer said the research of Dr. Judith Reisman, to whom the book is dedicated, “reveals that frequent use of pornography creates addiction and brain damage in the structure and the function of the brain. Through the use of fMRI’s (functional magnetic resonance imaging) we can now watch the human brain react to the stimuli of violence and pornography.”
Dr. Reisman’s research and that of the University of Pennsylvania’s Dr. Mary Ann Leyden, Harmer said, provide the protocol for an estimated $2 million – $3 million study the Lighted Candle Society intends to undertake and publish on the harmful effects of pornography on the human brain.
“People have no idea how powerful and dangerous these images are and how pervasive they become to a person addicted to pornography,” Harmer said.
For further information about the Lighted Candle Society, The Guardian of the Light Awards Dinner, or “The Sex Industrial Complex” go to:
John Harmer, founder and chairman of the Lighted Candle Society, is a tireless fighter in the struggle against pornography. Working from offices in Washington, D.C. and Bountiful, Utah, he brings to light the dark world of pornography that is supported by some of the most reputable companies in the U.S. They have found that pornography is a profitable business.
San Francisco Archbishop George H. Niederauer will give dinner's keynote address
by Barbara Stinson LeeIntermountain Catholic
SALT LAKE CITY — If the face of the Hon. John Harmer, a former California state senator and lieutenant governor, appears worn and tired it’s because he is fighting a 40-year battle with images he doesn’t like to look at and words he hates to read. Harmer, the founder and chairman of the Lighted Candle Society, now in its sixth year, is leading a charge against pornography, whether it is found in magazines and books, movies and television, or popping up into our homes uninvited via the internet.
Harmer doesn’t fight this battle alone. On May 8 at the annual Guardian of the Light Awards Dinner at Little America in Salt Lake City, Harmer and the Lighted Candle Society will honor Michael Reagan and Pamela Atkinson for their efforts. San Francisco Archbishop George H. Niederauer, former president of the Utah Coalition Against Pornography, will give the keynote address at the dinner.
Reagan, the adopted son of the late President Ronald Reagan and his first wife, Jane Wyman, is the host of the conservative radio talk show, “The Michael Reagan Show,” is syndicated through Radio America. He will be honored for his anti-porn efforts on the national level. Atkinson, a local activist who took over the reigns of the Utah Coalition Against Pornography from Bishop
George Niederauer after he was named archbishop of San Francisco, will be recognized for her anti-porn stand on the local level.
In an interview with the Intermountain Catholic, Harmer said it is through the efforts of people like Reagan and Atkinson that the Lighted Candle Society is ready to achieve a much broader base.
“When I created the Society, I was aware of many similar organizations doing the same work. A lot of our money has gone to those organizations. I wanted to fill a void.”
Harmer has found that void – it is research and the training of law enforcement and prosecutors to effectively fight pornography in the courts on behalf of individuals who have suffered because of the use of pornography. “It is much like the court battles that have tackled tobacco marketing,” he said
In a new book Harmer co-wrote with Bountiful Researcher James B. Smith, “The Sex Industrial Complex: Americas Secret Combination, Pornographic Culture, Addiction and the Human Brain,” Harmer takes on corporate entities and the powerful movie industry “that are profiting from the production, distribution, and financing of pornography. They support each other and use presumably independent entities such as Planned Parenthood and the ACLU (The American Civil Liberties Union) to protect themselves.”
“The Sex Industrial Complex,” Harmer’s editor notes, “documents the rise and cultural saturation of pornographic propaganda and ideology throughout the 20th century. From the ACLU to MTV and motion pictures; Harmer lays out the history, social implications, and societal impact of a worldwide pornographic culture.”
Harmer said the research of Dr. Judith Reisman, to whom the book is dedicated, “reveals that frequent use of pornography creates addiction and brain damage in the structure and the function of the brain. Through the use of fMRI’s (functional magnetic resonance imaging) we can now watch the human brain react to the stimuli of violence and pornography.”
Dr. Reisman’s research and that of the University of Pennsylvania’s Dr. Mary Ann Leyden, Harmer said, provide the protocol for an estimated $2 million – $3 million study the Lighted Candle Society intends to undertake and publish on the harmful effects of pornography on the human brain.
“People have no idea how powerful and dangerous these images are and how pervasive they become to a person addicted to pornography,” Harmer said.
For further information about the Lighted Candle Society, The Guardian of the Light Awards Dinner, or “The Sex Industrial Complex” go to:
John Harmer, founder and chairman of the Lighted Candle Society, is a tireless fighter in the struggle against pornography. Working from offices in Washington, D.C. and Bountiful, Utah, he brings to light the dark world of pornography that is supported by some of the most reputable companies in the U.S. They have found that pornography is a profitable business.
Disney Employees Arrested In Sex Sting
Disney Employees Among 28 Arrested In Sex Sting
POSTED: 7:48 am EDT April 2, 2007
UPDATED: 11:30 pm EDT April 2, 2007
POLK COUNTY, Fla. -- An undercover sting operation in Polk County led to 28 arrests of people charged with soliciting sex from children online.
SLIDESHOW: Mug Shots Of All Arrested Suspects
Of those arrested, three men told authorities they were Disney employees, according to a sheriff's office report.
Sheriff's office spokeswoman Donna Wood said a number of agencies worked together to set up the sting at a Polk County home. The detectives set up a shop in a rented house and they filled the upstairs with computers and phones.
The detectives then acted as 13- and 14-year-old girls, entering fictitious names and profiles in chat rooms and chatted with the suspects. The reactions varied from the men who showed up to find law enforcement there waiting for them.
"Using undercover officers, the suspects chatted online with people whom they believed to be boys and girls, ages 13 and 14," Wood said.
When the suspects stopped in over the weekend, they were arrested. Three men arrested in the sting told authorities they were Disney employees: Julio Segundo, 21, of Orlando; Richard Gaugh, 55, of Ormond Beach; and Thierry Ferron, 43, of Winter Garden. All three were charged with soliciting a minor via the internet and attempted lewd battery.
"We take matters like this very seriously," Disney said in a statement released Monday. "The cast members have been placed on unpaid leave."
According to Disney, none of the three employees arrested worked directly with children. The company said all cast members must pass background checks when they're hired.
Segundo and Gaugh remained in jail awaiting bail on Monday. Ferry posted bond and was released Sunday. It was not immediately known if the men had attorneys.
The Polk County sheriff had a stern warning for parents.
"This is a guy who's going to come into your home while you are gone, and your kids are here on spring break, and have sex with your 13-year-old child," said Sheriff Grady Judd.
2007 by
POSTED: 7:48 am EDT April 2, 2007
UPDATED: 11:30 pm EDT April 2, 2007
POLK COUNTY, Fla. -- An undercover sting operation in Polk County led to 28 arrests of people charged with soliciting sex from children online.
SLIDESHOW: Mug Shots Of All Arrested Suspects
Of those arrested, three men told authorities they were Disney employees, according to a sheriff's office report.
Sheriff's office spokeswoman Donna Wood said a number of agencies worked together to set up the sting at a Polk County home. The detectives set up a shop in a rented house and they filled the upstairs with computers and phones.
The detectives then acted as 13- and 14-year-old girls, entering fictitious names and profiles in chat rooms and chatted with the suspects. The reactions varied from the men who showed up to find law enforcement there waiting for them.
"Using undercover officers, the suspects chatted online with people whom they believed to be boys and girls, ages 13 and 14," Wood said.
When the suspects stopped in over the weekend, they were arrested. Three men arrested in the sting told authorities they were Disney employees: Julio Segundo, 21, of Orlando; Richard Gaugh, 55, of Ormond Beach; and Thierry Ferron, 43, of Winter Garden. All three were charged with soliciting a minor via the internet and attempted lewd battery.
"We take matters like this very seriously," Disney said in a statement released Monday. "The cast members have been placed on unpaid leave."
According to Disney, none of the three employees arrested worked directly with children. The company said all cast members must pass background checks when they're hired.
Segundo and Gaugh remained in jail awaiting bail on Monday. Ferry posted bond and was released Sunday. It was not immediately known if the men had attorneys.
The Polk County sheriff had a stern warning for parents.
"This is a guy who's going to come into your home while you are gone, and your kids are here on spring break, and have sex with your 13-year-old child," said Sheriff Grady Judd.
2007 by
Disney Executive Accused of Molesting Boy
Disney Executive Accused Of Molesting Boy In Spa
Dave ClarkReporting
(CBS) LOS ANGELES A 43-year-old man was freed on bail Friday after being arrested on suspicion of molesting a 13-year-old boy in a Fairfax-area condominium complex gym.
Ludovic Cremers, 43, was arrested Thursday following a three-week investigation into allegations that he molested the child in late July, Los Angeles police Lt. Paul Vernon said.
Cremers, a Disney marketing executive, posted $100,000 bail on Friday morning.The management of the Palazzo at Park La Brea, a condominium complex in the Fairfax district, told authorities in early August that two people reported seeing Cremers engaging in "inappropriate acts" in the complex's gymnasium.
Those witnesses said Cremers touched himself in a shower in plain view of the boy, who was sitting in a nearby hot tub.Cremers sat down next to the boy in the hot tub and reached toward the boy's groin under the water, the witnesses said.Detectives contacted the boy, who confirmed the acts.
The Los Angeles District Attorney's Office has agreed to file one count of lewd and lascivious acts with a child under 14, Vernon said. Cremers is a native of Hungary who works in marketing for a large entertainment company. He last lived in Kentucky, and authorities are looking for other possible victims. "Mr. Cremers has no criminal history that we know of locally, but he's only been in the Los Angeles area a short while," Vernon said. "We are releasing his photograph as a way to forewarn the public and see if there are any more victims." Anyone with more information on the suspect can call LAPD Detective Roger Kohler at (213) 473-0418 or (877) 529-3855.
2006 CBS Broadcasting Inc.
Dave ClarkReporting
(CBS) LOS ANGELES A 43-year-old man was freed on bail Friday after being arrested on suspicion of molesting a 13-year-old boy in a Fairfax-area condominium complex gym.
Ludovic Cremers, 43, was arrested Thursday following a three-week investigation into allegations that he molested the child in late July, Los Angeles police Lt. Paul Vernon said.
Cremers, a Disney marketing executive, posted $100,000 bail on Friday morning.The management of the Palazzo at Park La Brea, a condominium complex in the Fairfax district, told authorities in early August that two people reported seeing Cremers engaging in "inappropriate acts" in the complex's gymnasium.
Those witnesses said Cremers touched himself in a shower in plain view of the boy, who was sitting in a nearby hot tub.Cremers sat down next to the boy in the hot tub and reached toward the boy's groin under the water, the witnesses said.Detectives contacted the boy, who confirmed the acts.
The Los Angeles District Attorney's Office has agreed to file one count of lewd and lascivious acts with a child under 14, Vernon said. Cremers is a native of Hungary who works in marketing for a large entertainment company. He last lived in Kentucky, and authorities are looking for other possible victims. "Mr. Cremers has no criminal history that we know of locally, but he's only been in the Los Angeles area a short while," Vernon said. "We are releasing his photograph as a way to forewarn the public and see if there are any more victims." Anyone with more information on the suspect can call LAPD Detective Roger Kohler at (213) 473-0418 or (877) 529-3855.
2006 CBS Broadcasting Inc.
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Porn and Pancakes
'Porn & Pancakes' fights X-rated addictions
POSTED: 11:31 a.m. EDT, April 5, 2007
Story Highlights• Every second, approximately 28,258 Internet users are viewing
pornography• Breakfast event helps men discuss how pornography affects their
lives• Craig Gross founded to battle against porn industry• A
Kentucky organization uses biblical counseling to break addictions
More on CNN TV: Questions of sex and salvation. What is a Christian? An "Anderson Cooper 360°" special report, Thursday, 10 p.m. ET.");}
By Jason Rovou CNN
MORTON, Illinois (CNN) -- At 8 o'clock on a recent Saturday morning, more than 250 men gathered at New Life Christian Church in Morton, Illinois, for a breakfast of porn and pancakes.
The event, not as titillating as it sounds, is the brainchild of Craig Gross, founder of the online Christian ministry,
Gross concocted the idea of "Porn & Pancakes" as a way to get Christians and church officials to talk about pornography addiction.
It's a problem, he said, that is growing, among Christian communities.
Over the smell of maple syrup and sausage, Gross and other guest speakers -- including a former producer of pornography -- talk to the men about how pornography negatively affects their lives, including relationships with their families and with God. The men who come to hear them speak want to make sure they don't develop a problem themselves.
"A lot of people think Christians sure don't struggle with this," Gross said. "The stats don't lie: Christians are consuming pornography. And to me, it's not a surprise."
A nonscientific poll on found that 70 percent of Christians admitted to struggling with porn in their daily lives. Church officials are not immune either. According to Gross, some 76 percent of pastors he surveyed said they, too, have a problem. Gross says he's not surprised so many Christians find themselves struggling with addictions to pornography, considering just how mainstream and easily accessible it has become.
Adult entertainment is an enormous business in the United States, taking in an estimated $12 billion annually. Every second, approximately 28,258 Internet users are viewing pornography, according to the Internet Filter Review. With some 4.2 million pornographic Web sites to explore, many Christians find themselves unable to turn away.
'Jesus Loves Porn Stars'
Gross started his ministry to spark discussion on a topic he found to be largely ignored within religious circles. The breakfast meetings are just part of that ministry.
His organization attends adult industry conventions, handing out bibles to pornography fans and workers that read "Jesus Loves Porn Stars." Gross travels the country having friendly debates on college campuses with iconic porn star Ron Jeremy on the effects of pornography. And also offers free accountability software, which Gross says has been downloaded by 300,000 people. It works by sending reports to a couple of trusted persons -- a friend, a wife, a pastor -- about which Web sites have been visited.
While Gross' ministry tries to prevent Christians from developing a problem, other organizations cater to those who say they have nowhere else to turn.
Jerry -- who asked that his last name not be used -- said he began looking at pornography at a young age and has, by his account, spent thousands of hours surfing the web, looking at adult magazines and utilizing chat rooms.
"I was in it, as much as possible," he said. "Just like an alcoholic or someone who has an addiction to drugs."
Jerry is one of the 55 men living at Pure Life Christian Ministries in rural Williamstown, Kentucky, who have come here to as a last resort to reclaim their lives and their Christian values.
The ministries offer a six month, live-in treatment program for men with sexual addictions. At the facility, which claims to be the only one of its kind in the country, counselors take a biblical approach to healing instead of a psychological one.
The live-in program demands intense Bible study and discipline from the residents. Each day is structured for work, prayer, and one-on-one biblical counseling, where the men study scriptural lessons on guilt, anger, depression and selfishness. The men are cut off from the outside world and any outside stimulation. There is no television, Internet or cell phones. Mail is even screened for clothing catalogues with what could be considered inappropriate images.
Over the past 15 years, more than 600 men have come here to detox from their porn addictions.
'Their soul's in danger'
"We actually understand their soul's in danger," said Jeff Colón, the head counselor here who went through the program 13 years ago to save himself from his own pornography and sexual addictions. "When the men come to us, they've gotten to the end of their rope."
"Jerry" said his compulsions were robbing his young son and wife from a normal family life.
"It was killing me, from the inside. I was riddled with guilt," he said. "And by the grace of God, he pulled me out of that pit, and brought me here, before it got to a point to where ... who knows? I mean I could have ended up anywhere."
While Jerry and other program residents are working hard to leave their addictions behind, the true test of their willpower and faith will come after they return to the real world, where Colón said they'll be bombarded with sexual images on television, in advertising and on the computer.
"We do live in a sexualized culture, and it is difficult for these men when they leave here," he said. "It doesn't help."
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
How Widespread Is It Among Our Judiciary that Sex With Children is a "Natural Impulse?"
THE JUDGE SAYS: "When I say that, it's my understanding that most men are sexually attracted to young women..I mean women from the time they're 1 all the way up until they're 100." Maddox noted the legal terms malum in se, a Latin phrase meaning an act that is "inherently evil," and malum prohibitum, which means acts that are not necessarily inherently immoral or hurtful, only wrong by statute. He said child pornography could be considered malum prohibitum because in some countries and cultures it is acceptable to engage in sexual conduct with young girls."
--Carson City, Nevada District Judge Bill Maddox
by F.T. NortonAppeal Staff Writer,
March 28, 2007A Carson City man was sentenced to up to 18 years in prison on Tuesday for possessing more than 800 images of child pornography.
Jason Excell, 36, pleaded guilty to 10 counts of possession of child pornography. In exchange for the plea, additional charges were dismissed.
"These kinds of offenses are problems with impulse control," said Carson City District Judge Bill Maddox prior to sentencing. "When I say that, it's my understanding that most men are sexually attracted to young women. When I say young women I don't just mean women that ... you should be attracted to. I mean women from the time they're 1 all the way up until they're 100."
Maddox noted the legal terms malum in se, a Latin phrase meaning an act that is "inherently evil," and malum prohibitum, which means acts that are not necessarily inherently immoral or hurtful, only wrong by statute. He said child pornography could be considered malum prohibitum because in some countries and cultures it is acceptable to engage in sexual conduct with young girls."
"As an example, having sex with a girl between 12 and 16 is prohibited because we say it's prohibited. It's because we decided as a civilized society you do not want adults engaging in sexual conduct with children below 16 years of age, which flies in the face of our, I guess for lack of a better description, our normal impulses," he said.
"I guess we could just ignore them, say it's just like a traffic ticket, it's malum prohibitum, it's only against the law because it's prohibited. Or we could say that because we're trying to control what's an otherwise natural impulse there has to be consequences."The bottom line on it all is the way we're going to control it in my opinion is to ensure that everybody understands what the consequences are if you engage in ... a lack of impulse control. It's likely that most people would find young girls sexually attractive. But we're civilized to the point that we're taught to control our impulses. When you don't, there has to be consequences."
In sentencing Excell, Maddox said he wanted to send a message to others in the community who might possess images of child porn."I want it to be clear to anybody out there that is thinking of downloading them or getting them on CD or ordering them through the mail or whatever, if you get caught possessing them you're going to go to prison in Carson City," he said. Excell was arrested March 3, 2006, after his wife turned over photographs she found on his computer.
According to Deputy District Attorney Kristin Luis, the images are of children "easily under the age of 10," being sexually violated by adults or engaging in sex with other children.
She said at least 88 of the photographs were of children who have been identified by federal authorities through other child pornography cases nationwide. Maddox could have sentenced Excell to between 10 and 60 years. Parole and probation suggested a sentence of two to 12 years. Maddox opted for an additional six years on Excell's sentence so that if he were paroled, he'd be under state supervision longer. Excell is eligible for parole in two years. He was given credit for serving 391 days in jail.
. Contact reporter F.T. Norton at or 881-1213.
Transcripts of sentencing of Jason Excell on child porn charges:1 Case No. 06-01651C2
Plaintiff, JUDGE'S RULINGvs.
THE COURT: Is there any legal cause to show4 why judgement shouldn't be entered?
MS. KREIZENBECK: No, Your honor.
THE COURT: There being no legal cause toshow why judgement shouldn't be entered, it will bethe judgment of the Court that Jason Eric Excell isguilty of Counts I through X, all category B -- well,Counts I through X, Possession of Child Pornography,first offenses, category B -- felonies, as defined byNRS 200.730 subsection 1.It will be the sentence of the Court that youpay a $25 administrative assessment fee, $60 chemicalanalysis fee and $150 DNA fee.I have been doing -- I have been in the criminal justice system in the State of Nevada andprobably all over the United States for almost 30 years, Mr. Excell. I was the primary person in the DistrictAttorney's office when I was a District Attorney who prosecuted child abuse cases. I consider sexualoffenses against children as abuse. I have come to I think understand a little bit about -- the doctor here didn't really add much tomy knowledge about it. When I was US Attorney my office prosecuted a lot of significant types. One of them was a guy namedRuben Sterling who was the largest pornographer in the world. We prosecuted him.
So I have been involved and had a lot of time to think about it, dealt with victims and even had occasion when I was in private practice to defendpeople accused of it. I have had a lot of experience with this.
It's my impression from all the experts that I have talked to, and it's been a fair number of them, that the doctor, the way he put it, isn't quite theway I put it. These kinds of offenses are problems with impulse control. When I say that it's my understanding that most men are sexually attracted toyoung women. When I say young women I don't just mean women that are appropriately you should be attracted to. I mean women from the time they're one all the way up until they're a hundred.
In some societies it's acceptable to be engaging in sexual conduct with women that are eleven, twelve-, thirteen-years-old. So we overlay that with laws that prohibit any sexual contact with children under 14 and any intercourse with children under 16, which means that those kinds of crimes are not what are called malum prohibitum, evil of themselves, they're crimes that are called malum prohibitum. As an example, having sex with a girl between12 and 16 is prohibited because we say it's prohibited.It's because we decided as a civilized society you do not want adults engaging in sexual conduct with children below 16 years of age, which flies in the face of our, I guess for lack of a better description, our normal impulses.
So what's the answer to that? What's the answer? How do we enforce those laws?I guess we could just ignore them, say it's just like a traffic ticket, it's malum prohibitum, it's only against the law because it's prohibited.
Or we could say that because we're trying to control what's an otherwise natural impulse there has to be consequences. There has to be consequences.
And in the overall scheme of things you're not even close to being the worst offender of our sexual morass that I have seen.4I have prosecuted fathers who force their 14-year old daughter to perform fellatio on them or 20-, 30-year old guy performing sexual acts on a seven-year old girl. Ruben Sterling who purveyed films of people having sex with animals. I have seen a wide spectrum. The bottom line on it all is the way we're8 going to control it in my opinion is to insure that everybody understands what the consequences are if you engage in and it's a lack of impulse control.
It's likely that most people would find young girls sexually attractive.
But we're civilized to the point that we're taught to control our impulses. When you don't, there has to be consequences. So having said all of that, I don't think you're someone that society needs to isolate. I don't -- you can argue about retribution. I don't know who I would be obtaining that for. Rehabilitation. You'll be on parole and you'll be able to get counseling which I absolutely suggest that you do.
I don't know if you have been specifically deterred from engaging in this type of conduct again. But what I do know is, and I have said it before, I want it to be clear what the consequences in this community are of engaging in this kind of conduct that you engaged in. So I'm not going to give you probation.I'm just sitting here and calculating it out. Based on the number of Counts you pled to I could sentence you to 23 years to 60 years which would bethe maximum. I'm not going to do that. Parole and Probation is recommending that I sentence you four years to eighteen -- to four years, eight months to eleven years, two months. I'm not going to do that.
The sentence is going to be on Count I I'll sentence you from 12 to 72 months. Count II I'll sentence you from 12 to 72 months. Actually, I'll sentence you 12 to 72 months on all ten Counts. I'm going to run Counts I, II and III consecutive, which means you're going to be required to spend 36 months to three times 72, whatever that is. My thought process there is that that will allow for you to be supervised for 18 years but you only serve three years in prison, assuming that you get paroled at your first parole date which based on your criminal history and other factors, like I say, you could not be lower on the sexual offender scale.About the only thing that gets you right off the bottom would be the fact you asked that girl to take her clothes off. But other than that I can't imagine someone being lower on the offender scale than you are. On the other hand, and Ms. Kreizenbeck said it, if there isn't a market for these kinds of9 photographs, then hopefully their production will be considerably reduced. To your credit you didn't engage in producing them. You have looks like acted out on your impulse other than that one time. That's really what it's about. It's impulse control.he doctor made the observation not having any substance abuse problems. What happens? You drink, you don't control your impulses as well as you8 should. You use drugs, you don't control your impulses as well as you should. You obviously have less impulse control than I might or other people. I definitely would suggest you don't drink or use drugs, especially if you're going to be around children. But this will give you a sentence of 36 to216 months. The rest of them will be run concurrent. You're given credit for -
MS. EILENFELDT: 391 days.Your honor, there is no chemical analysis fee. So please scratch that.
THE COURT: I want it to be clear to anybody out there that is thinking of downloading them or getting them on CD or ordering them through the mailor whatever, if you get caught possessing them you're going to go to prison in Carson City. That's what is going to happen to you.I don't know it's necessary to specifically deter you but what I would hope is it would be clear to others here thinking about doing the same thing and4 maybe at some point we can accomplish there being no demand for them and, therefore, they won't be produced.Anything more?MS. LUIS: No, Your honor.
THE COURT: That will be the sentence of the court.Good luck, Mr. Excell.(Proceedings concluded at 12:15 p.m.)1 STATE OF NEVADA )) ss.2 CARSON COUNTY )5 I, STEPHANIE ZOLKOWSKI, an Official Reporter of6 the First Judicial District Court of the State of7 Nevada, County of Carson, DO HEREBY CERTIFY: That I was present in the above-entitled Court on MARCH 27, 2007, and took verbatim stenotype notes10 of the proceedings had upon the matter captioned1 within, and thereafter transcribed them into2 typewriting as herein appears;13 That the partial foregoing transcript, consisting of pages 1 through 8, is a full, true andcorrect transcription of my stenotype notes of saidproceedings.17 DATED: At Carson City, Nevada, this________day18 of____________________________, 2007.
--Carson City, Nevada District Judge Bill Maddox
by F.T. NortonAppeal Staff Writer,
March 28, 2007A Carson City man was sentenced to up to 18 years in prison on Tuesday for possessing more than 800 images of child pornography.
Jason Excell, 36, pleaded guilty to 10 counts of possession of child pornography. In exchange for the plea, additional charges were dismissed.
"These kinds of offenses are problems with impulse control," said Carson City District Judge Bill Maddox prior to sentencing. "When I say that, it's my understanding that most men are sexually attracted to young women. When I say young women I don't just mean women that ... you should be attracted to. I mean women from the time they're 1 all the way up until they're 100."
Maddox noted the legal terms malum in se, a Latin phrase meaning an act that is "inherently evil," and malum prohibitum, which means acts that are not necessarily inherently immoral or hurtful, only wrong by statute. He said child pornography could be considered malum prohibitum because in some countries and cultures it is acceptable to engage in sexual conduct with young girls."
"As an example, having sex with a girl between 12 and 16 is prohibited because we say it's prohibited. It's because we decided as a civilized society you do not want adults engaging in sexual conduct with children below 16 years of age, which flies in the face of our, I guess for lack of a better description, our normal impulses," he said.
"I guess we could just ignore them, say it's just like a traffic ticket, it's malum prohibitum, it's only against the law because it's prohibited. Or we could say that because we're trying to control what's an otherwise natural impulse there has to be consequences."The bottom line on it all is the way we're going to control it in my opinion is to ensure that everybody understands what the consequences are if you engage in ... a lack of impulse control. It's likely that most people would find young girls sexually attractive. But we're civilized to the point that we're taught to control our impulses. When you don't, there has to be consequences."
In sentencing Excell, Maddox said he wanted to send a message to others in the community who might possess images of child porn."I want it to be clear to anybody out there that is thinking of downloading them or getting them on CD or ordering them through the mail or whatever, if you get caught possessing them you're going to go to prison in Carson City," he said. Excell was arrested March 3, 2006, after his wife turned over photographs she found on his computer.
According to Deputy District Attorney Kristin Luis, the images are of children "easily under the age of 10," being sexually violated by adults or engaging in sex with other children.
She said at least 88 of the photographs were of children who have been identified by federal authorities through other child pornography cases nationwide. Maddox could have sentenced Excell to between 10 and 60 years. Parole and probation suggested a sentence of two to 12 years. Maddox opted for an additional six years on Excell's sentence so that if he were paroled, he'd be under state supervision longer. Excell is eligible for parole in two years. He was given credit for serving 391 days in jail.
. Contact reporter F.T. Norton at or 881-1213.
Transcripts of sentencing of Jason Excell on child porn charges:1 Case No. 06-01651C2
Plaintiff, JUDGE'S RULINGvs.
THE COURT: Is there any legal cause to show4 why judgement shouldn't be entered?
MS. KREIZENBECK: No, Your honor.
THE COURT: There being no legal cause toshow why judgement shouldn't be entered, it will bethe judgment of the Court that Jason Eric Excell isguilty of Counts I through X, all category B -- well,Counts I through X, Possession of Child Pornography,first offenses, category B -- felonies, as defined byNRS 200.730 subsection 1.It will be the sentence of the Court that youpay a $25 administrative assessment fee, $60 chemicalanalysis fee and $150 DNA fee.I have been doing -- I have been in the criminal justice system in the State of Nevada andprobably all over the United States for almost 30 years, Mr. Excell. I was the primary person in the DistrictAttorney's office when I was a District Attorney who prosecuted child abuse cases. I consider sexualoffenses against children as abuse. I have come to I think understand a little bit about -- the doctor here didn't really add much tomy knowledge about it. When I was US Attorney my office prosecuted a lot of significant types. One of them was a guy namedRuben Sterling who was the largest pornographer in the world. We prosecuted him.
So I have been involved and had a lot of time to think about it, dealt with victims and even had occasion when I was in private practice to defendpeople accused of it. I have had a lot of experience with this.
It's my impression from all the experts that I have talked to, and it's been a fair number of them, that the doctor, the way he put it, isn't quite theway I put it. These kinds of offenses are problems with impulse control. When I say that it's my understanding that most men are sexually attracted toyoung women. When I say young women I don't just mean women that are appropriately you should be attracted to. I mean women from the time they're one all the way up until they're a hundred.
In some societies it's acceptable to be engaging in sexual conduct with women that are eleven, twelve-, thirteen-years-old. So we overlay that with laws that prohibit any sexual contact with children under 14 and any intercourse with children under 16, which means that those kinds of crimes are not what are called malum prohibitum, evil of themselves, they're crimes that are called malum prohibitum. As an example, having sex with a girl between12 and 16 is prohibited because we say it's prohibited.It's because we decided as a civilized society you do not want adults engaging in sexual conduct with children below 16 years of age, which flies in the face of our, I guess for lack of a better description, our normal impulses.
So what's the answer to that? What's the answer? How do we enforce those laws?I guess we could just ignore them, say it's just like a traffic ticket, it's malum prohibitum, it's only against the law because it's prohibited.
Or we could say that because we're trying to control what's an otherwise natural impulse there has to be consequences. There has to be consequences.
And in the overall scheme of things you're not even close to being the worst offender of our sexual morass that I have seen.4I have prosecuted fathers who force their 14-year old daughter to perform fellatio on them or 20-, 30-year old guy performing sexual acts on a seven-year old girl. Ruben Sterling who purveyed films of people having sex with animals. I have seen a wide spectrum. The bottom line on it all is the way we're8 going to control it in my opinion is to insure that everybody understands what the consequences are if you engage in and it's a lack of impulse control.
It's likely that most people would find young girls sexually attractive.
But we're civilized to the point that we're taught to control our impulses. When you don't, there has to be consequences. So having said all of that, I don't think you're someone that society needs to isolate. I don't -- you can argue about retribution. I don't know who I would be obtaining that for. Rehabilitation. You'll be on parole and you'll be able to get counseling which I absolutely suggest that you do.
I don't know if you have been specifically deterred from engaging in this type of conduct again. But what I do know is, and I have said it before, I want it to be clear what the consequences in this community are of engaging in this kind of conduct that you engaged in. So I'm not going to give you probation.I'm just sitting here and calculating it out. Based on the number of Counts you pled to I could sentence you to 23 years to 60 years which would bethe maximum. I'm not going to do that. Parole and Probation is recommending that I sentence you four years to eighteen -- to four years, eight months to eleven years, two months. I'm not going to do that.
The sentence is going to be on Count I I'll sentence you from 12 to 72 months. Count II I'll sentence you from 12 to 72 months. Actually, I'll sentence you 12 to 72 months on all ten Counts. I'm going to run Counts I, II and III consecutive, which means you're going to be required to spend 36 months to three times 72, whatever that is. My thought process there is that that will allow for you to be supervised for 18 years but you only serve three years in prison, assuming that you get paroled at your first parole date which based on your criminal history and other factors, like I say, you could not be lower on the sexual offender scale.About the only thing that gets you right off the bottom would be the fact you asked that girl to take her clothes off. But other than that I can't imagine someone being lower on the offender scale than you are. On the other hand, and Ms. Kreizenbeck said it, if there isn't a market for these kinds of9 photographs, then hopefully their production will be considerably reduced. To your credit you didn't engage in producing them. You have looks like acted out on your impulse other than that one time. That's really what it's about. It's impulse control.he doctor made the observation not having any substance abuse problems. What happens? You drink, you don't control your impulses as well as you8 should. You use drugs, you don't control your impulses as well as you should. You obviously have less impulse control than I might or other people. I definitely would suggest you don't drink or use drugs, especially if you're going to be around children. But this will give you a sentence of 36 to216 months. The rest of them will be run concurrent. You're given credit for -
MS. EILENFELDT: 391 days.Your honor, there is no chemical analysis fee. So please scratch that.
THE COURT: I want it to be clear to anybody out there that is thinking of downloading them or getting them on CD or ordering them through the mailor whatever, if you get caught possessing them you're going to go to prison in Carson City. That's what is going to happen to you.I don't know it's necessary to specifically deter you but what I would hope is it would be clear to others here thinking about doing the same thing and4 maybe at some point we can accomplish there being no demand for them and, therefore, they won't be produced.Anything more?MS. LUIS: No, Your honor.
THE COURT: That will be the sentence of the court.Good luck, Mr. Excell.(Proceedings concluded at 12:15 p.m.)1 STATE OF NEVADA )) ss.2 CARSON COUNTY )5 I, STEPHANIE ZOLKOWSKI, an Official Reporter of6 the First Judicial District Court of the State of7 Nevada, County of Carson, DO HEREBY CERTIFY: That I was present in the above-entitled Court on MARCH 27, 2007, and took verbatim stenotype notes10 of the proceedings had upon the matter captioned1 within, and thereafter transcribed them into2 typewriting as herein appears;13 That the partial foregoing transcript, consisting of pages 1 through 8, is a full, true andcorrect transcription of my stenotype notes of saidproceedings.17 DATED: At Carson City, Nevada, this________day18 of____________________________, 2007.
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